Apple Worldwide Developers Conference: Here's what one developer wants to hear

Jefferson Graham

LOS ANGELES — Attending the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference is like the Super Bowl of techdom for the folks who make smartphone apps.

Why?  The show is where Apple offers sneak peeks at updates to its mobile operating system. That means new features for the iPhone and iPad that developers get to add to their apps.

Benoit Vatere, the founder of the Wishbone and Yarn apps

For perspective, we reached out to Benoit Vatere, a L.A.-based app developer, with two huge hits over the last 18 months, the Wishbone quiz for teens (over 15 million downloads) and the 8-week old Yarn, currently No. 34 on the iTunes Top 100 app download chart. He's going to offer his take here, and we'll be checking in with periodically for updates, after the announcements, as well.

Why WWDC matters to him:

This is it. This is the big one for a developer. We develop for Apple first, and hearing from Apple what’s next...there’s nothing more important than that.

What goes through his mind when he hears about the new features at WWDC?

What do we develop for it? What is the impact on our current app, and what is the next app we build, leveraging what was just announced.

The keynote is streamed—he could watch it at home.

But you have nobody around. (At WWDC) you have thousands of people surrounding you, and there’s nothing better than being surrounded by thousands of really talented people.

What he hopes to hear about from Apple at WWDC?

A new “dark” mode feature to make reading easier is expected, “and that’s very interesting to us, as our apps are about consuming content, I also want to learn about what they’re doing on the payments side. The ability to transact on your phone. They’ve made a lot of progress with Apple Pay and subscription -  as a developer, you want to know how you’re going to make money. It’s not that exciting for the rest of the world, but it’s really exciting to developers.

His dream announcement

The ability to release an app as soon as I push play. You have to go through approval process and wait days to get into the store. You have your apps, you want something new out there, and and you have to wait.

If he ran into Apple CEO Tim Cook, he’d ask:

Tell me your roadmap of IOS for the next 2 years. I want to know what’s coming up. They know obviously what’s next, not just IOS 11, but IOS 12 and 14. I want to know the future of IOS, because I want to build for it.

(The WWDC announcements) are good for immediate action we can take, I’d love to think bigger, and know where it’s going.

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